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Boxing Website Teaches Boxing Wannabe's The Basics
Petawawa, ON (ContentDesk) September 6, 2005 -- It can be intimidating for someone wanting to learn the sweet science to walk into a boxing gym knowing nothing about the sport. Historically, boxing has attracted some pretty unsavory characters and it has its share of stereotypes. Taking the plunge and descending the stairs to a dark, dingy boxing gym is just not an option for many. It is too far out of their comfort zone. The founder of How to Box (at, Aaron Luhning, understands this better than anyone, recently getting started in the sport despite just turning 31.

He dabbled with boxing in his twenties, but circumstances never allowed him to pursue it further. A few years later, lots of practice, training, and even a few mistakes and he is scheduled for his first amateur matchup. He also has an intense desire to share what he learned trying to get involved in the sport."If I had a resource like How to Box, I would have at least known some of the basics before looking for a gym or trainer. I didn't even know what to look for in a gym or trainer. Instead I walked into a gym one day expecting to get my head knocked off.

In reality, it was nothing like that�"He and a growing number of beginning boxers from around the world are using the site as a launching pad for their boxing careers, whether they are hobbyists or have bigger ambitions. The site allows boxers to chronicle their training and nutrition goals, keep an online blog, and makes it easy for boxers to find gyms and trainers in their area and vice versa. It is rich with content, covering the boxing basics and prescribes specific boxing workouts and strength training routines. Even those not interested in competing, just by following the boxing workouts provided, will see tremendous

fitness results. Video is being added to complement the text descriptions on the site.Video coaching is something unique to How to Box and while it has not caught on very fast, shows strong potential.

Users are able to upload video of themselves doing various routines and can then receive feedback from site members on technique and form. A number of trainers and gym owners use the site. "The site was designed to give people interested in boxing the confidence to go out and find a trainer or boxing gym."Mr. Luhning acknowledges that no matter how much content he puts online, nothing will substitute for a good boxing trainer or gym. His goal is to get people to take that step and find a gym."Boxing is such an incredible workout and there is no experience like standing in a ring with someone interested in hitting you as hard as he can.

It may not appeal to everyone, but I think deep down, most people would like to experience the feeling of a gladiator. The sport of boxing could thrive and should thrive. People just have to give it a try, I guarantee they'll be hooked."It's all about peaking an interest and the response so far to the boxing site has proven there is an interest. This interest has been mirrored in the mainstream media with the release of Hollywood movies such as "The Million Dollar Baby" and "Cinderella Man". While The Contender was running, visitors to the site tripled.

"People want to learn how to box, and How to Box is going to do everything it can to ensure it happens and they make it to a gym or trainer."How to Box exists to teach people interested in getting started in the sport the basics, giving them the confidence to go out and find a gym or trainer. For more information, feel free to visit